Thursday, April 30, 2009
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Title: The Legend of Boudicca
Writer: Joey Ellison
Copyright 2008 - Imagination Comics
ISSUE 1 of 6
20 Pages
Issue Summary:
Boudicca is faced with the prospect of an impending Roman invasion based on her knowledge of Roman Law.
Rome does not recognize female leaders and since the King of the Iceni has deceased,
the throne has been left to Boudicca and her two daughters.
A messenger is in-route to give the late King's declaration to King Nero of Rome.
A Legion of the Roman army has been camped near the Iceni island since word of the Iceni King's deteriorating health arrived to Nero.
Writer's note to Artist(s): I have left open a lot of design elements to allow the artist to be creative about the locations and attire of the characters and environments. I have simply alluded to basic descriptions of the surroundings in most panels. The Iceni people are basically Celtic people but I wouldn't recommend going too far with their colorful wardrobes as history states they wore. If you have any questions or require more precise setting notes or clarifications, please contact me.
Overall Theme - Boudicca bravely realizes and accepts her destiny to rise up and protect her people.
Page One
Panel One - Close-up of a male hand flipping an Iceni coin.
Reference Image:
The hand is that of Nero the Roman ruler at the current time in history. Year is 61 AD.
Panel Two - Boudicca is sadly hanging her head facing away from us sitting on the bed. A female servant is sitting beside her with empathy.
Setting Note: Boudicca's bedroom.
Character Attire: Boudicca is wearing a semi-elegant dress. Something a Celtic Queen would wear casually in 61 AD. Feel free to make up a celtic design without searching for an exact period design.
Image Reference:
Panel Three - We see a messenger on a trading ship. (This basically states who he is and what he's doing). He should be toting a scroll somehow. This scroll appears a few times in this issue.
Setting Note: This shot should show more of the ship and maybe a peek out at the open sea with a medium distance over the shoulder of messenger camera angle.
Character Attire: The ship-hand in typical lower class clothing. The Messenger should be easy. Nothing fancy, just something that makes him look the part. Keep in mind the messenger is of Celtic origin.
Page Two
Panel One - We see Nero being informed by a Roman Army leader. Nero is still flipping the coin from Page One.
Setting note: They are speaking to each other, inside of a room in Nero's roman palace.
Character Attire: Nero should have an elegant and grand design to his attire. He is King, so obviously he would be dressed in a nice toga and be clean cut.
Photo Reference:
Panel Two - The maid-servant continues the discussion with the solemn Boudicca. This scene is a continuation of Panel Two - Page One.
Setting note: Boudicca's bedroom.
Character Attire: Boudicca wearing the same dress as before.
Panel Three - Closer shot of Boudicca speaking to servant.
Setting note: Same bedroom.
Character Attire: Same dress for Boudicca.
Panel Four - Boudicca appears to be walking toward a window.
Panel Five - We see Boudicca looking out a window facing away from us.
Page Three
Panel One - We see the messenger exiting the ship at a random Port City.
(You can creatively show him in smaller panels walking through the town if you wish after exiting the ship.)
Panel Two - Two Celtic Druids make their way through a forest.
Panel Three - One druid falls to his knees and holds his face in his hands. He is having a vision.
Panel Four - The Druid's vision is of ghostly Roman soldiers in the distance that are coming toward him.
Druid that is standing: Are you okay my brother?
Panel Five - The druid that has the vision is rising back to his feet and speaking.
Druid: We must return and warn our village with haste.
Page Four
Panel One - Boudicca is standing in another bedroom. Her two daughters are there with the younger daughter sitting on a bed, who are approximately 13 and 15 years old. The elder daughter is already standing near Boudicca.
Panel Two - Close up of Daughter One speaking with a worried semi-confidence.
Panel Three - Second Daughter stands and asks a question.
Panel Four - Wider shot of Boudicca hugging both of her daughters together in a group hug manner.
Boudicca: I will keep you safe. I promise.
Page Five
Panel One - Black with white lettering
Panel Two - We see the messenger travelling by horse across a field.
Panel Three - Boudicca addresses a tribe council (maybe a total of 4 men) (roundtable) and informs them of the possible Roman intervention. Throughout this process she will need to be holding a scroll until she offers it to the council.
Panel Four - We see Boudicca with a concerned look upon her face.
Panel Five - We see the council elaborate.
Page Six
Panel One - (Close-up) We see Boudicca with a concerned and serious look upon her face.
Panel Two - We see Boudicca facing the council as she responds. Holding a scroll.
Panel Three - We see Boudicca elaborating facts. (You can split this up into two smaller panels if you wish)
Panel Four - Boudicca presents the copy of the declaration (scroll) to the council.
Page Seven
Panel One - The council is reading and reacting to the document. Choose your own camera angle and if you want to include Boudicca in the shot somehow go for it.
Panel Two - We see a somber council because they know the situation is hard to predict.
Panel Three - (Long shot) We see the messenger entering the city of Rome.
Panel Four - (Medium shot) The messenger walks up to a Roman guard, stating his business.
Page Eight
Panel One - (Long shot) We see the guard leading the messenger toward a Roman Palace closeby.
Panel Two - (Medium shot) The messenger is pointed to a corridor by the guard.
Panel Three - (Long shot) Elegant Roman architecture shows the reader this is a royal Roman palace.
Panel Four - The messenger has been led to another Roman guard inside the palace. The first guard appears to be speaking to the next guard inside.
Panel Five - We see the second Roman Guard exiting the room to relay the request.
Page Nine
Panel One - We see a Roman diplomatic-type man entering the room.
Panel Two - We see the diplomat react somewhat puzzled.
Panel Three - Close-up of messenger. The scroll he is holding should be similar to what Boudicca gave to the council.
Page Ten
Splash Page of Nero entering the room.
Page Eleven
Panel One - We see the messenger walking and holding out the scroll towards Nero.
Panel Two - Nero has unrolled the scroll and appears to be reading.
Panel Three - We see Nero with an angering look on his face.
Panel Four - Nero throws the scroll violently.
Page Twelve
Splash Page of Nero looking menacingly angered; walking away.
Page Thirteen
Panel One - We see a camp fire as a few Roman soldiers sit around it. These soldiers are of General Suetonius Paulinus' Legion of roughly two-hundred men which are close to the Iceni but a decent journey away and it is after dark now.
Panel Two - A Roman messenger arrives where they are and informs them of Nero's orders.
Panel Three - The soldiers are getting to their feet.
Page Fourteen
Panel One - White with Black Lettering - Caption: [The Next Morning]
Panel Two - We see Boudicca in her room standing in front of a mirror with her armor on.
Panel Three - She walks across the room towards a chest.
Panel Four - She sits in front of the open chest.
Panel Five - We see what we know as the King's sword inside with her hands reaching down for it. Chest should look quite elaborate as it is Royal.
Page Fifteen
Panel One - We see Boudicca walking across the courtyard of the Iceni Palace toward a field with warriors in the distance.
Panel Two - She walks closer to the warriors that is exercising in the distance.
Panel Three - Boudicca walks amongst them closer and appears to be gauging their ability.
Panel Four - We see Boudicca standing to the side of the two soldiers impressively performing sword fighting exercises/duels.
Panel Five - Boudicca draws her sword.
Panel Six - Lunges at the dueling soldiers.
Panel Seven - We see her sword swishing upwards and the men's swords flying up and out of their hands.
Page Sixteen
Panel One - We see the soldiers perplexed. Boudicca addresses them.
Panel Two - The soldiers reply. (Women are highly respected in Iceni.)
Panel Three - The soldiers see her point and agree.
Soldier Two - You are wise and noble My' Lady.
Panel Four - We see Boudicca engage in exercise with the soldiers in sword-fighting duels.
Page Seventeen
Panel One - We see the messenger in a Roman jail cell.
Panel Two - He cowers into the corner in fear and appears to have been beaten up quite harshly.
(This provides an insight of the brutality of Rome.)
Panel Three - We see Nero speaking to what appears to be three rich Roman noblemen in another part of his palace.
Panel Four - We see the officials with a pleased look upon their faces.
Panel Five - We get another shot of Nero addressing the officials as he walks away.
Page Eighteen
Panel One - Solid Black with White lettering.
Panel Two - We see a Roman Legion General (Suetonius Paulinus) leaning over in a standing position looking at a map on a table in a room. The map should be marked somehow that indicates their current position to be west of Iceni.
A Ranking Roman Soldier is standing nearby.
Panel Three - We see Paulinus' hand close up on the map pointing to the region of southeast Britain.
Panel Four - We see the soldier walking toward the exit door.
Panel Five - We see a medium close-up of Paulinus' face as he peers down onto the map with an evil smile on his face. Nothing too drastic just something that makes us think he has bad things planned.
Page Nineteen
Panel One - We see the maid-servant of Boudicca carefully patching up some scrapes and bruises on Boudicca's arm back in the Palace
Panel Two - Boudicca responds as she winces mildly in pain.
Panel Three - Close up of Boudicca's face while she continues her statement.
Panel Four - Servant responds while she continues to patch up Boudicca.
Panel Five - We see Boudicca respond as she appears to be looking at her lightly bandaged arm.
Page Twenty
Splash Page - We see Boudicca back in a heroic and determined pose with a piercing stare.
Title: The Legend of Boudicca
Writer: Joey Ellison
Copyright 2008 - Imagination Comics
ISSUE - 2 of 6
20 Pages
Issue Summary: This issue introduces us to the Druids and Wild Women of the Iceni and Briton Tribes. We also get insight on their spiritual beliefs regarding war and how they approach it. The Roman Centurions arrive and ravage Boudicca and her daughters and they capture and sell her relatives on the slave market. This event is meant to overthrow her temporary rule and to establish Roman dominance over the Iceni. At the end of the issue, we clearly see that Boudicca is determined for revenge and she begins planning and organizing the forthcoming revolt.
Note to Artists: I try to envision scenes and describe them in more detail from time to time when I script. If you have a better idea for camera angles or distance, feel free to give it a shot. It is my goal to provide you with enough information to allow you to compose the scene in the best story-telling way you see fit. One example would be where I wrote for Boudicca to be facing away from us in the first bedroom scene in issue one and Monty drew her facing toward us and it turned out way better. That's great and I totally encourage such decisions as long as the core of the written concept is there. The same goes with coloring. I typically only allude to color details when something will be important to the continuity and details of the period. I have confidence in your talents and I'm sure you will produce high quality works.
Page One
Panel One - Iceni villagers work in fields gathering crops of grain.
Narration - The fields of Iceni are peaceful.
Panel Two - An Iceni blacksmith works at an anvil, forming parts of a nearby half-assembled chariot in his shop.
Narration - The kingdom must tirelessly endure even after the loss of their beloved king.
Panel Three - We see a small gathering of Iceni villagers burying items of gold and other tribal offerings into the ground near a circular fire pit. This is located in the center of the village.
Narration: The Iceni believe they must please only their earthly gods...
Panel Four - Render a longer shot of the gathering from above.
Narration: They bestow precious sacrifices unto the land which the gods have given to them.
Page Two
Panel One - Villagers of the Iceni tribe smiling and being happy in some fashion.
Narration: In exchange the gods deliver peace,
Panel Two - A random Iceni family is having supper around a table.
Narration: prosperity,
Panel Three - A scene with the messenger in the Roman jail-cell sitting and looking up as a Roman soldier appears to be unlocking the door.
Narration - and the promise of freedom.
Panel Four - The roman soldier steps in, grabs the arm of the messenger, and the messenger is perplexed at what is happening.
Roman Soldier - You are to return to your tribe and notify your queen that King Nero has accepted their proposal.
Page Three
Panel One - We see the two druids from Issue One entering their village.
Panel Two - The druids enter a tribal-esque monastery-type building.
Panel Three - Inside of the main room is a main druid and several dark and ominously looking female druids. This guy should appear to be the most wise and noble of the clan. He should also appear to be in a trance state of mind with the females dancing around also appearing to be in trances. Try to show the two druids entering or peering into the room from across the room.
Main Druid and females - (speaking gibberish in tongues)
Panel Four - The two druids kneel and the druid that had the vision in the forest speaks.
Druid One - The gods have sent a vision in the sacred grove.
Panel Five - Close-up of the druid speaking with a worried look upon his face.
Druid One - The Roman Legions seek to pierce our land…
Page Four
Panel One - (Half Page) Wide shot of the messenger riding a horse at full speed across an open field.
Panel Two - (Half Page) Wide shot of Paulinus' Legion marching down a dirt road. Make these two environments quite different because we want to make sure the reader knows it's not happening in close proximity to each other.
Page Five
Panel One - Black Panel with white lettering.
Caption: [Two days later.]
Panel Two - We see Boudicca in the courtyard being addressed by one of the nobles from the conference in Issue One.
Nobel - My' Lady we have gathered all of the gold and grain that we can spare.
Panel Three - Boudicca replies to the nobleman.
Boudicca - I must confess that I do not enjoy bartering for freedom.
Panel Four - Nobleman replies to Boudicca. He is respectful but wants to get his point across.
Nobleman - Your husband bartered to keep Rome at bay your highness.
Page Six
Panel One - Suetonius Paulinus is plodding along on a horse alongside a ranking Roman Centurion on another horse. A Roman Legion of about two hundred men is marching along with them down a dirt road. Granted, you won't have to draw two hundred people, just try to give the idea of a decent number.
Suetonius - Divide the Legion here. I will lead a division to the Isle of Mona.
Panel Two - Suetonius addressing the Centurion in perhaps a closer angle.
Suetonius - You are to carry out King Nero's order, then return here.
Panel Three - Close up of Suetonius' face with a mean look.
Suetonius - Show the heretics no mercy.
Page Seven
Panel One - We see the messenger back on the same ship speaking to the same ship hand he spoke to in issue one. Messenger seems happy and in good spirits.
Ship Hand - Travelling back home?
Messenger - Yes and I bring news that will be very welcomed by my people.
Panel Two - Messenger looking out over the ocean facing away from the ship hand and seems to be enjoying the view.
Messenger - Nero is a gracious King.
Panel Three - Close up of the ship hand with a raised eyebrow. His expression should say " Is he really serious?"
Ship Hand - A wise cap'n once said lad somewhere beyond a calm sea churns a dreadful storm.
Panel Four - We see the messenger looking around at the exiting ship hand as the ship hand walks away.
Ship Hand - T'was a wise cap'n.